At night, the safest option for parking your vehicle is in your garage, if available. When away from home, seek out a secure car park or park in a well-lit area.
If parking on a road, it is mandatory to keep your sidelights on if the speed limit on that road exceeds 30 mph. Typically, park on the left-hand side of the road to ensure your reflectors are visible to other road users. However, in a one-way street, parking is permissible on either side.
Never halt on a clearway. On an urban clearway or a road marked with double white lines (even if one of the lines is broken), stopping is only permitted for the purpose of dropping off or picking up passengers.
Avoid parking in locations where you would pose a hazard or obstruction to others, including:
- On or near the crest of a hill
- At a bus stop
- Opposite a traffic island
- In front of someone else’s driveway
- Near a school entrance
- Within 10 meters (32 feet) of a junction (in Northern Ireland, within 15 meters or 48 feet of a junction).
Avoid causing obstructions by stopping or parking where there are restrictions, such as yellow lines and associated signs. In a controlled parking zone, payment is typically required for parking. Park within designated bays during the days and times indicated on the zone entry signs.
Utilize a disabled parking space only if you or your passenger possess a disabled badge. Remember to prominently display the badge when exiting the vehicle.